How to Create Content that Converts

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Are you ready to take your affiliate marketing game to the next level? Crafting content that not only engages your audience but also drives sales is crucial for maximizing your earning potential. Today, Shauna Hollinger, our Senior Influencer Account Manager, is here to take you through the art of creating converting content and share strategies that will help you boost engagement and drive conversions in our latest Mavely University video.

Why Creating Converting Content Matters

There’s a significant difference between creating content for fun and creating content with the intent to drive sales. Converting content gets your audience to take a desired action, like clicking on and shopping through your affiliate links. This type of content creation not only increases your revenue potential but also enhances engagement, provides data-driven insights, and opens up more opportunities for brand deals.

What is Shoppable Content?

Shoppable content features products that your audience can purchase through your affiliate links. Think of how-to guides, product reviews, and themed collections. For example, if you’re a fashion creator, you could create a post showcasing how to style an outfit and link each piece so your followers can easily shop the look.

The Pros and Cons

Without shoppable content, you miss out on sales opportunities and waste time if your goal is to monetize. On the flip side, converting content creation brings increased revenue potential, higher engagement, and more opportunities for brand partnerships.

Types of Converting Content Creation

  1. How-To Guides and Tutorials: Share your expertise and help your audience solve problems or learn new skills. For instance, if you’re a beauty influencer, you could create a tutorial on achieving a specific makeup look using products from your affiliate links.
  2. Flash Sales and Limited-Time Discounts: Promote time-sensitive deals to create urgency and drive quick actions. Think of how everyone anticipates Black Friday sales to grab the best deals. Use similar strategies to promote limited-time offers.
  3. Product Reviews and Comparisons: Provide honest reviews and comparisons of products you’ve used. This builds trust and helps your audience make informed buying decisions.
  4. Themed Collections: Curate collections of products based on themes like seasonal trends, holiday gifts, or style guides. These collections can be highly engaging and encourage multiple item purchases.
  5. Before and After Transformations: Show the transformation process, whether it’s a beauty makeover, home renovation, or fashion update. Highlight the products that made the difference to inspire purchases.
  6. Lifestyle Integration Stories: Incorporate products into your daily life and share how they enhance your lifestyle. This natural approach makes your recommendations feel less salesy and more relatable.
  7. Interactive Content: Engage your audience with polls, quizzes, and Q&A sessions. This not only keeps your audience engaged but also gives you valuable insights into what they want to see from you.
  8. Unboxing Videos: Generate excitement around new products with unboxing videos. This is particularly effective in the beauty and fashion sectors where first impressions matter.
  9. Affiliate Link Roundups: Create posts that consolidate multiple affiliate links around a specific theme or need. This serves as a resource for your audience and makes it easier for them to shop your recommendations.

Where to Share Your Affiliate Links

Different platforms have varying levels of link-friendliness. On Facebook and YouTube, you can post clickable links within captions or video descriptions. Instagram allows you to share links in stories, direct messages, broadcast channels, and highlights. Utilize tools like ManyChat or LinkDM for automated DM responses with your affiliate links, and don’t forget to share links via email to directly reach your audience’s inbox.

How Often Should You Post?

Frequency matters when it comes to being an affiliate. Our top earners share affiliate links multiple times a day. While posting this frequently might not be feasible for everyone, increasing your posting frequency can significantly boost your earnings. Consistency is key, so find a schedule that works for you and stick to it.

Start Creating Content that Converts Today!

By implementing some of the strategies in this video, as well as brainstorming shoppable content ideas for your specific audience, you can begin crafting content that grows your Everyday Influencer® business and drives more sales today.  Through strategic content creation and sharing, you’ll not only increase your earnings but also build a loyal and engaged audience. Check out more Mavely University tips from our staff instructors to keep growing as an influencer. Still not using Mavely? Join today to start earning! 

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